卓越出版 Publishing Excellence

專注於ESL教科書、繪本和教育影片。Specializing in ESL textbooks, picture books, and educational videos.

專業ESL資源 Expert ESL Resources

優質教科書與引人入勝的影片,助力高效學習。 Quality textbooks and engaging videos for effective learning.

創新繪本 Innovative Picture Books

富有創意的故事,啟發並教育年輕讀者。 Creative stories that inspire and educate young readers.

探索ESL出版:伯克利山出版社及其獨特理念 Exploring ESL Publishing: Berkeley Hills Press and Its Unique Approach

伯克利山出版社是一家位於舊金山灣區的領先出版機構,專注於ESL教科書、繪本和教育影片。憑藉超過20年的經驗,我們的團隊致力於打造高品質的教育教材,滿足多元學習者的需求,幫助他們在語言習得和讀寫能力方面取得成功。 Berkeley Hills Press, a leading San Francisco Bay Area publishing house, specializes in ESL textbooks, picture books, and videos. With over 20 years of experience, our team is dedicated to creating quality educational materials that cater to diverse learners, helping them succeed in language acquisition and literacy.

探索伯克利山出版社:您在ESL與教育出版領域的理想夥伴 Discover Berkeley Hills Press: Your Partner in ESL and Educational Publishing

在 伯克利山出版社,我們憑藉超過20年的出版專業知識,為舊金山灣區帶來優質的教育資源。專注於 ESL 教科書、繪本和教育影片,我們的專業團隊致力於提升學生與教育者的學習體驗。歡迎與我們一起踏上這段精彩的學習之旅! At Berkeley Hills Press, we bring over 20 years of publishing expertise to the San Francisco Bay Area. Specializing in ESL textbooks, picture books, and educational videos, our dedicated team is committed to enhancing learning experiences for students and educators alike. Join us on this exciting journey!